俗話說, 曲折才能成傳說..馬的, 我只是去玩玩也可以變成傳說...
昨天英航確定聖誕節要罷工的時候, 我還在竊喜好險沒搭英航, 結果一大早就收到一封email:
Dear Miss Lee,
Firstly I would like to take
this opportunity to thank you for choosing to book with lastminute.com.
Please be advised we have been notified by Kiss Flights your airline, that they have had to make a cancellation to your outgoing flight on the 22nd December 2009. Kiss Flights have two possible alternatives they can offer you;
1 - Wednesday 23/12/09 London
Gatwick to Stockholm at 07:55-11:40
2 - Wednesday 23/12/09 London
Gatwick to Stockholm at 12:30-16:15
If either of these possible alternatives are not suitable you are of course entitled to a cancellation and full refund of all monies paid to lastminute.com.
Please be assured that we do understand the problems that can arise from these situations and that the decision to cancel was out of the tour operators hands.
We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience these changes may cause you.
Please could I ask you kindly to advise by return email which action you would like to take.
I look forward to
hearing form you.
Assuring you of our best intentions at all
Kind regards
果然我是走傳說路線的, 我實在不想23號飛, 我討厭沒有緩衝時間的感覺. 所以只得要求refund, 重新再訂過機票. 最慘的是最便宜的機票也要150GBP, 而且而且不是飛Stockholm Arlanda而是到Stockholm Stavaska. 也就是說, 我還得再搭80分鐘的公車去Stockholm Central Station轉火車...